Saturday, January 8, 2011

Comments on a Water Ad: Can We All Begin to Wake up from Illusion?--Dr. Rama


The other day I was in a health food store and there is a new brand of bottled water with a prominent display.  The ad campaign shows a fabulously beautiful, very sensual and sexualized image of a model drinking the water as she was suggestively displaying her attributes--if you know what I mean.

I wondered to myself:  Can we all just wake up?  How long will these kinds of ad campaigns and other influences on our minds keep affecting us?

This old paradigm of sex selling everything including bottled water needs to replaced by broader and expanded thinking, in my opinion.

What does this ad do to our subconscious mind?  It keeps our thinking at a base level if we allow it to. For some, it makes us doubt our own Self-worth because our ego compares itself to what the model looks like.  Then it sends the message that if we drink the water we will somehow be sexier and more beautiful and youthful.  We then fight with ourselves and berate ourselves (if that is a sensitive issue)--particularly if there are parts of our Self and parts of our body that we do not like or we are very sensitive to.  All these mental and emotional processes happen in a fraction of a second as we are triggered by the ad.

Or, we do not have these issues but we just play along with the illusion and still buy the water because our desire for such beauty and sexuality is stirred up.  We associate the desire with the water with the desire for greater sexuality, sensuality and beauty and this increases sales.

Then, we think that if we buy the water, somehow we will fit the image and lifestyle of the illusion of what the model in the picture lives. Meanwhile who knows what the model in real life is really going through.  They may be almost homeless making ends meet, hardly the lifestyle they are marketing in the ad---do we really know?  So we play into fear, insecurity, worthlessness and so on--the very thing the ad campaign wants us to do (by putting such images in its campaigns) to buy more water to increase their profits. 

Does it bring us more sexuality to buy and then drink that brand of water?  Not sure. There is nothing wrong with individual choice, of course.  My point is to stop and understand what we are doing and what they are doing before we make a choice.  And, we have the opportunity to just develop conscious awareness more and more by waking up to the processes and forces in this world.  It is a moment by moment practice.  We do this if want to be ultimately free from the bonds of the limited and narrow mind.

So realize that it is all illusion.  Remember, it is only bottled water.  "Water in a bottle for a price" with a market campaign that has been sexualized.

And realize that such campaigns would not exist if they did not work.  Why would they use them if it did not help sales?

When we wake up then such sale campaigns have no meaning and will fall away in the 21st Century because they no longer affect the public and so it does not work to sell products and amass dollars.  We graduate from these kinds of influences because our mind is more evolved to realize what the ad and its company is trying to do.  Our Light inside does not allow such illusions to penetrate our thinking and affect us in any deep way.

Like this, there are countless illusions in this world.  It is like a hall of mirrors--reflecting to us where we  need to wake up change and evolve.

We take it at our own pace.  However, can we just kindle a little more wisdom each day to see what is going on in the world that affects our minds?  The more Light of wisdom we generate the less all this illusion can create ups and downs and highs and lows.  We become beacons and pin points of Light---to shine upon the illusion that is always being created around us in this world to the best of our ability.

Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas

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