Pretty soon the whole world is going to basically descend upon Dallas Texas for the Superbowl.
Great that everyone is excited and is ready to have a great time.
Millions and Millions and Millions of dollars are being spent and made (by many) over this Global event: behind the scenes and in front of course.
Yet I wonder, we all want fun, excitement and entertainment. Can some of this hype, hysteria, and so on be turned to the condition of the world?
What would it be like if people were this excited in helping those less fortunate, to create a completely different world? What if these dollars were used to educate, uplift and inspire.
Remember our own USA schools are falling apart. Kids are being fed low quality foods at school. Quality of life is reducing for children globally--There is a paucity of public services available to help with trauma, wounding and suffering and so many other things that rip and tear at peace of mind and Self confidence.
What would happen if we improved quality of life globally and brought out new technologies that I believe are hidden that would improve the world's condition? What if the dollars made really went to making this world something that all could benefit from?
These are questions that all must find inside. Consciousness that develops and expands from inside of us that is beyond the mind and ego will come forward so that we awaken to see that the focus on that which is external, which still only scratches the surface of life--on things that are transitory ---and illusory--- will not change the world ---it will rather still keep us in the same patterns over and over again.---
If we just shift even a little to the amount we focus on external things and a little to the inner, imagine what kind of world we can be in. We reduce limitation and narrowness and expand the heart to realize that such dollars can be used to help so many in this world in large and small ways.
Ammachi and so many more enter this world to show us this possibility
Hope you all check out the videos on my other blog post
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