Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How Can Our Health Improve When We are Surrounded by Everything that Keeps us Unhealthy?

Have you all gone to a convenient store and just stood there as a witness?  -- Almost everything is artificial or alcoholic.  Usually only grapefruit juice, grape juice orange and tomato juice contain no sugar.

Some stores are starting to stock some brands of natural drinks and juices, however.

Most of the foods are processed, contain heavy salt, sugar, hydrogenated oils and have gone through so much modification.

Have you noticed that there is huge difference in energy from some of the larger chain stores and say a Natural Food store?   When you go to a natural Food store, a different feeling comes to us, is it not so?

If we really  notice, we feel calmer, more connected, and we often have a smile on our face looking at all the interesting items, colors, flavors and so on.

Yet when we go to a huge super warehouse type market, we feel stressed, overwhelmed, distracted,  rushed and so on.

Why is that?  It is because the products in natural stores that are selected are coming from a mind set that holds the intention for natural and holistic energy.  This mind set intention is transferred to the store and the atmosphere is thus different.

As people begin to pay more attention to their body and mind, their own perception will heighten on these issues.  Many things just will begin to "not feel right" and will feel out of synch or balance.  We just stop going to different places that are not in harmony or we at least we are more aware of how different we feel in different settings.  We let our body and mind be our guide.

How can we heal body and mind unless we are more aware of such issues?

Have you ever stopped eating canned food for a while and then when you go back to eating the canned food you get a metallic taste in your mouth?  Some theorize that the metal that leaks into the food affects our body and can create chronic syndromes through heavy metal poisoning.  Think about it this way also.  Food in a can sits on a shelf for months and then we consume the food that has been sitting.---What kind of energy does this carry?

According to Ayurvedic Medicine, this kind of food carries little or no vitality or prana. Food is a form of energy and different foods and qualities of food are transferred into our bodies and do affect the body and mind. And so when we consume shelf-food excessively, it only adds to waste that accumulates within us.  This waste makes our mind sluggish, slow and prone to mood issues.  And, affects the overall degeneration of the body. 

So many studies now point to the fact that  many are in a state of chronic inflammation.  The ancients knew this and recommended  fresh wholesome foods.  Society that continues down the processed road can be prone to chronic inflammation according to Eastern thought and now Western as more is being discovered.

Do we realize how much dairy products and other poultry and meat products contain artificial hormones?  The animal is in a continuous state of hormone overdose, often pregnant or egg laying through its entire life cycle and we consume these products.  Can we have empathy for these suffering creatures who are often in this state of pregnancy or constant milk productioni for example, their whole life cycle, immobilized and virtually imprisoned?

Do we see how much our vegetables are genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides, and artificially ripened using artificial gas--and then we consume these as well, because they are supposedly cheaper.  As our budget is pressured, we are forced sometimes to use these cheaper products and yet, what affect short and long term do all these things  have upon our body?

Diabetes, hypertension and other aspects of what is known as metabolic syndrome are on the rise--this is nothing new we hear it every day--but the numbers keep going up and up.  Childhood obesity is rampant as generations of kids are fed artificial, processed, fast, and cheap government school lunch food. 

What goes out the window first when budgets are cut in schools-?  The creative arts and exercise--all vital components to learning and yet sorely neglected.

So then how can we ever be healthy with just the few points I touch upon here?

I do not think there is an easy answer, but I feel that all of this can only change if our consciousness changes.  When we become more aware, enlightened, and and we expand our thinking--our intuition and our knowing increase.  In this heightened awareness, such issues come to the forefront our of our minds.

We stop walking around like a zombie and really start seeing how the world pulls the wool over our eyes.

More next time.

Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas

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