Pretty soon the whole world is going to basically descend upon Dallas Texas for the Superbowl.
Great that everyone is excited and is ready to have a great time.
Millions and Millions and Millions of dollars are being spent and made (by many) over this Global event: behind the scenes and in front of course.
Yet I wonder, we all want fun, excitement and entertainment. Can some of this hype, hysteria, and so on be turned to the condition of the world?
What would it be like if people were this excited in helping those less fortunate, to create a completely different world? What if these dollars were used to educate, uplift and inspire.
Remember our own USA schools are falling apart. Kids are being fed low quality foods at school. Quality of life is reducing for children globally--There is a paucity of public services available to help with trauma, wounding and suffering and so many other things that rip and tear at peace of mind and Self confidence.
What would happen if we improved quality of life globally and brought out new technologies that I believe are hidden that would improve the world's condition? What if the dollars made really went to making this world something that all could benefit from?
These are questions that all must find inside. Consciousness that develops and expands from inside of us that is beyond the mind and ego will come forward so that we awaken to see that the focus on that which is external, which still only scratches the surface of life--on things that are transitory ---and illusory--- will not change the world ---it will rather still keep us in the same patterns over and over again.---
If we just shift even a little to the amount we focus on external things and a little to the inner, imagine what kind of world we can be in. We reduce limitation and narrowness and expand the heart to realize that such dollars can be used to help so many in this world in large and small ways.
Ammachi and so many more enter this world to show us this possibility
Hope you all check out the videos on my other blog post
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
What is All the Frenzy About on those Cooking Shows and in Restaurants? Mind Affects Food--Dr. Rama
Does anyone watch those reality cooking shows? Although they are made for TV and for entertainment, I thought I would write a little about these.
Have you noticed how frenzied, frenetic, and stressed out the cooks are? Do we see how the chief chefs, judges and so on put so much pressure on the cooks and chefs? Can you watch the faces of those cooking to make the deadlines and prepare the foods? Do we see how much drama and trauma surrounds the food preparation in these shows and behind the scenes in restaurants.
Can we feel the stress that these cooks are under?
Well, then what becomes of the quality of the food when we eat it---in restaurants?
It may look palatable on the plate but according to Ayurvedic Medicine, vibration from those cooking the food is transferred to the food. Food is ultimately energy according to ancient principles. The way it is prepared, by whom and the state of their mind is a big factor in influencing how we are affected by the food.
If you have cooks who are constantly yelled at, pressured, berated and stressed out, behind the scenes in the kitchen-- then those vibrations of fear, anxiety, tension, worry, nervousness, and so on gets transferred to the food. If the cook is preoccupied with their own problems, household issues, personal problems and so on or if they are in a bad mood that day---then those energies go directly into the food. If the restaurant is excessively noisy and chaotic then we also absorb the chaos as well.
That is why if we are very attune to our body and mind--we will feel various things after we go to restaurants to eat. Often we do not feel quite right. We can feel depressed, restless, uneasy, have poor digestion or even get sick.
Of course food poisoning is a physical problem. However the vibration that is carried in food affects our body and mind.
Mother Ammachi and Swami Muktananda and Swami Satchidananda and many Ayurvedic doctors and Medicine texts often refer. speak, and write about this. The vibration and atmosphere of the kitchen is very important to create harmony so that food is assimilated in a healthy way.
Such enlightened teachers and many others suggest that the kitchen be filled with harmonious music: mantras, chanting music, classical music and so on to afford an atmosphere of peace, harmony, love and light. They suggest that the efficiency of the kitchen be such that the cooks are not stressed and they meditate and offer their cooking to the Higher Self-- before they start their working day to ease their mind of their worldly problems before the start of the day. By doing so the food will even taste better, be enriched by their good intentions and will carry the energy of the mantras and the harmony created by the cooks.
Ammachi once gave a beautiful story of a man who ate at a restaurant and later that night had a dream about terrible things the cook was doing behind the scenes. The newspapers after a few days revealed that the very cook at that restaurant was indeed involved with negative deeds. Through the food and its energy and vibration this man got the psychic energy from the negativity of the cook transferred to him.
As we progress in meditation, Yoga, and related pursuits in our own way that is comfortable to us (if we choose to do so) our system will become more sensitive and attune to these matters. We will feel this inside ourselves. We will be selective with where we eat and the type of restaurants to go to. We will know intuitively when food is not prepared well and when we are feeling the effects from the kitchen and restaurant atmosphere.
And let us not forget that we must treat waiters and waitresses with utmost respect and care. These people work hard and are vehicles of energy. They bring the food to us and set up the whole atmosphere of the table also. If their energy and attitude is ill, tired, and depressed then they will bring that to us. We must consider their feelings and remember to give generously when service is good, I feel.
Such principles begin in our own home. Often, when I am stressed tired and not in a great mood, then I do not prepare anything much but I eat something that is more simple. The reason is that the mood I am in will affect the food even at home or if it is for others especially. The quality of what I make is not as good either if I am not in the right frame of mind. Why burden others with my issues and transfer it to others when food is like a gift? It is good also at home to play peaceful and loving music or mantras while cooking. It makes the atmosphere charged with enthusiasm, love, light, and kindness that easily is passed on to others.
You know for those fortunate, "Mom's home cooking" always tastes best. Why is that? Because she is transferring her love to the food. Love in action mixed with her blessings creates the taste and the vibration that we resonate with.---Let us always be appreciative of our Mom's no matter what negativity is also there. Deep down, the energy of the Divine Mother is still within their being even though we may have difficult karma with them. When we realize this, forgiveness deepens.
More Later.
Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas
Have you noticed how frenzied, frenetic, and stressed out the cooks are? Do we see how the chief chefs, judges and so on put so much pressure on the cooks and chefs? Can you watch the faces of those cooking to make the deadlines and prepare the foods? Do we see how much drama and trauma surrounds the food preparation in these shows and behind the scenes in restaurants.
Can we feel the stress that these cooks are under?
Well, then what becomes of the quality of the food when we eat it---in restaurants?
It may look palatable on the plate but according to Ayurvedic Medicine, vibration from those cooking the food is transferred to the food. Food is ultimately energy according to ancient principles. The way it is prepared, by whom and the state of their mind is a big factor in influencing how we are affected by the food.
If you have cooks who are constantly yelled at, pressured, berated and stressed out, behind the scenes in the kitchen-- then those vibrations of fear, anxiety, tension, worry, nervousness, and so on gets transferred to the food. If the cook is preoccupied with their own problems, household issues, personal problems and so on or if they are in a bad mood that day---then those energies go directly into the food. If the restaurant is excessively noisy and chaotic then we also absorb the chaos as well.
That is why if we are very attune to our body and mind--we will feel various things after we go to restaurants to eat. Often we do not feel quite right. We can feel depressed, restless, uneasy, have poor digestion or even get sick.
Of course food poisoning is a physical problem. However the vibration that is carried in food affects our body and mind.
Mother Ammachi and Swami Muktananda and Swami Satchidananda and many Ayurvedic doctors and Medicine texts often refer. speak, and write about this. The vibration and atmosphere of the kitchen is very important to create harmony so that food is assimilated in a healthy way.
Such enlightened teachers and many others suggest that the kitchen be filled with harmonious music: mantras, chanting music, classical music and so on to afford an atmosphere of peace, harmony, love and light. They suggest that the efficiency of the kitchen be such that the cooks are not stressed and they meditate and offer their cooking to the Higher Self-- before they start their working day to ease their mind of their worldly problems before the start of the day. By doing so the food will even taste better, be enriched by their good intentions and will carry the energy of the mantras and the harmony created by the cooks.
Ammachi once gave a beautiful story of a man who ate at a restaurant and later that night had a dream about terrible things the cook was doing behind the scenes. The newspapers after a few days revealed that the very cook at that restaurant was indeed involved with negative deeds. Through the food and its energy and vibration this man got the psychic energy from the negativity of the cook transferred to him.
As we progress in meditation, Yoga, and related pursuits in our own way that is comfortable to us (if we choose to do so) our system will become more sensitive and attune to these matters. We will feel this inside ourselves. We will be selective with where we eat and the type of restaurants to go to. We will know intuitively when food is not prepared well and when we are feeling the effects from the kitchen and restaurant atmosphere.
And let us not forget that we must treat waiters and waitresses with utmost respect and care. These people work hard and are vehicles of energy. They bring the food to us and set up the whole atmosphere of the table also. If their energy and attitude is ill, tired, and depressed then they will bring that to us. We must consider their feelings and remember to give generously when service is good, I feel.
Such principles begin in our own home. Often, when I am stressed tired and not in a great mood, then I do not prepare anything much but I eat something that is more simple. The reason is that the mood I am in will affect the food even at home or if it is for others especially. The quality of what I make is not as good either if I am not in the right frame of mind. Why burden others with my issues and transfer it to others when food is like a gift? It is good also at home to play peaceful and loving music or mantras while cooking. It makes the atmosphere charged with enthusiasm, love, light, and kindness that easily is passed on to others.
You know for those fortunate, "Mom's home cooking" always tastes best. Why is that? Because she is transferring her love to the food. Love in action mixed with her blessings creates the taste and the vibration that we resonate with.---Let us always be appreciative of our Mom's no matter what negativity is also there. Deep down, the energy of the Divine Mother is still within their being even though we may have difficult karma with them. When we realize this, forgiveness deepens.
More Later.
Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
How Can Our Health Improve When We are Surrounded by Everything that Keeps us Unhealthy?
Have you all gone to a convenient store and just stood there as a witness? -- Almost everything is artificial or alcoholic. Usually only grapefruit juice, grape juice orange and tomato juice contain no sugar.
Some stores are starting to stock some brands of natural drinks and juices, however.
Most of the foods are processed, contain heavy salt, sugar, hydrogenated oils and have gone through so much modification.
Have you noticed that there is huge difference in energy from some of the larger chain stores and say a Natural Food store? When you go to a natural Food store, a different feeling comes to us, is it not so?
If we really notice, we feel calmer, more connected, and we often have a smile on our face looking at all the interesting items, colors, flavors and so on.
Yet when we go to a huge super warehouse type market, we feel stressed, overwhelmed, distracted, rushed and so on.
Why is that? It is because the products in natural stores that are selected are coming from a mind set that holds the intention for natural and holistic energy. This mind set intention is transferred to the store and the atmosphere is thus different.
As people begin to pay more attention to their body and mind, their own perception will heighten on these issues. Many things just will begin to "not feel right" and will feel out of synch or balance. We just stop going to different places that are not in harmony or we at least we are more aware of how different we feel in different settings. We let our body and mind be our guide.
How can we heal body and mind unless we are more aware of such issues?
Have you ever stopped eating canned food for a while and then when you go back to eating the canned food you get a metallic taste in your mouth? Some theorize that the metal that leaks into the food affects our body and can create chronic syndromes through heavy metal poisoning. Think about it this way also. Food in a can sits on a shelf for months and then we consume the food that has been sitting.---What kind of energy does this carry?
According to Ayurvedic Medicine, this kind of food carries little or no vitality or prana. Food is a form of energy and different foods and qualities of food are transferred into our bodies and do affect the body and mind. And so when we consume shelf-food excessively, it only adds to waste that accumulates within us. This waste makes our mind sluggish, slow and prone to mood issues. And, affects the overall degeneration of the body.
So many studies now point to the fact that many are in a state of chronic inflammation. The ancients knew this and recommended fresh wholesome foods. Society that continues down the processed road can be prone to chronic inflammation according to Eastern thought and now Western as more is being discovered.
Do we realize how much dairy products and other poultry and meat products contain artificial hormones? The animal is in a continuous state of hormone overdose, often pregnant or egg laying through its entire life cycle and we consume these products. Can we have empathy for these suffering creatures who are often in this state of pregnancy or constant milk productioni for example, their whole life cycle, immobilized and virtually imprisoned?
Do we see how much our vegetables are genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides, and artificially ripened using artificial gas--and then we consume these as well, because they are supposedly cheaper. As our budget is pressured, we are forced sometimes to use these cheaper products and yet, what affect short and long term do all these things have upon our body?
Diabetes, hypertension and other aspects of what is known as metabolic syndrome are on the rise--this is nothing new we hear it every day--but the numbers keep going up and up. Childhood obesity is rampant as generations of kids are fed artificial, processed, fast, and cheap government school lunch food.
What goes out the window first when budgets are cut in schools-? The creative arts and exercise--all vital components to learning and yet sorely neglected.
So then how can we ever be healthy with just the few points I touch upon here?
I do not think there is an easy answer, but I feel that all of this can only change if our consciousness changes. When we become more aware, enlightened, and and we expand our thinking--our intuition and our knowing increase. In this heightened awareness, such issues come to the forefront our of our minds.
We stop walking around like a zombie and really start seeing how the world pulls the wool over our eyes.
More next time.
Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas
Some stores are starting to stock some brands of natural drinks and juices, however.
Most of the foods are processed, contain heavy salt, sugar, hydrogenated oils and have gone through so much modification.
Have you noticed that there is huge difference in energy from some of the larger chain stores and say a Natural Food store? When you go to a natural Food store, a different feeling comes to us, is it not so?
If we really notice, we feel calmer, more connected, and we often have a smile on our face looking at all the interesting items, colors, flavors and so on.
Yet when we go to a huge super warehouse type market, we feel stressed, overwhelmed, distracted, rushed and so on.
Why is that? It is because the products in natural stores that are selected are coming from a mind set that holds the intention for natural and holistic energy. This mind set intention is transferred to the store and the atmosphere is thus different.
As people begin to pay more attention to their body and mind, their own perception will heighten on these issues. Many things just will begin to "not feel right" and will feel out of synch or balance. We just stop going to different places that are not in harmony or we at least we are more aware of how different we feel in different settings. We let our body and mind be our guide.
How can we heal body and mind unless we are more aware of such issues?
Have you ever stopped eating canned food for a while and then when you go back to eating the canned food you get a metallic taste in your mouth? Some theorize that the metal that leaks into the food affects our body and can create chronic syndromes through heavy metal poisoning. Think about it this way also. Food in a can sits on a shelf for months and then we consume the food that has been sitting.---What kind of energy does this carry?
According to Ayurvedic Medicine, this kind of food carries little or no vitality or prana. Food is a form of energy and different foods and qualities of food are transferred into our bodies and do affect the body and mind. And so when we consume shelf-food excessively, it only adds to waste that accumulates within us. This waste makes our mind sluggish, slow and prone to mood issues. And, affects the overall degeneration of the body.
So many studies now point to the fact that many are in a state of chronic inflammation. The ancients knew this and recommended fresh wholesome foods. Society that continues down the processed road can be prone to chronic inflammation according to Eastern thought and now Western as more is being discovered.
Do we realize how much dairy products and other poultry and meat products contain artificial hormones? The animal is in a continuous state of hormone overdose, often pregnant or egg laying through its entire life cycle and we consume these products. Can we have empathy for these suffering creatures who are often in this state of pregnancy or constant milk productioni for example, their whole life cycle, immobilized and virtually imprisoned?
Do we see how much our vegetables are genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides, and artificially ripened using artificial gas--and then we consume these as well, because they are supposedly cheaper. As our budget is pressured, we are forced sometimes to use these cheaper products and yet, what affect short and long term do all these things have upon our body?
Diabetes, hypertension and other aspects of what is known as metabolic syndrome are on the rise--this is nothing new we hear it every day--but the numbers keep going up and up. Childhood obesity is rampant as generations of kids are fed artificial, processed, fast, and cheap government school lunch food.
What goes out the window first when budgets are cut in schools-? The creative arts and exercise--all vital components to learning and yet sorely neglected.
So then how can we ever be healthy with just the few points I touch upon here?
I do not think there is an easy answer, but I feel that all of this can only change if our consciousness changes. When we become more aware, enlightened, and and we expand our thinking--our intuition and our knowing increase. In this heightened awareness, such issues come to the forefront our of our minds.
We stop walking around like a zombie and really start seeing how the world pulls the wool over our eyes.
More next time.
Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Comments on a Water Ad: Can We All Begin to Wake up from Illusion?--Dr. Rama
The other day I was in a health food store and there is a new brand of bottled water with a prominent display. The ad campaign shows a fabulously beautiful, very sensual and sexualized image of a model drinking the water as she was suggestively displaying her attributes--if you know what I mean.
I wondered to myself: Can we all just wake up? How long will these kinds of ad campaigns and other influences on our minds keep affecting us?
This old paradigm of sex selling everything including bottled water needs to replaced by broader and expanded thinking, in my opinion.
What does this ad do to our subconscious mind? It keeps our thinking at a base level if we allow it to. For some, it makes us doubt our own Self-worth because our ego compares itself to what the model looks like. Then it sends the message that if we drink the water we will somehow be sexier and more beautiful and youthful. We then fight with ourselves and berate ourselves (if that is a sensitive issue)--particularly if there are parts of our Self and parts of our body that we do not like or we are very sensitive to. All these mental and emotional processes happen in a fraction of a second as we are triggered by the ad.
Or, we do not have these issues but we just play along with the illusion and still buy the water because our desire for such beauty and sexuality is stirred up. We associate the desire with the water with the desire for greater sexuality, sensuality and beauty and this increases sales.
Then, we think that if we buy the water, somehow we will fit the image and lifestyle of the illusion of what the model in the picture lives. Meanwhile who knows what the model in real life is really going through. They may be almost homeless making ends meet, hardly the lifestyle they are marketing in the ad---do we really know? So we play into fear, insecurity, worthlessness and so on--the very thing the ad campaign wants us to do (by putting such images in its campaigns) to buy more water to increase their profits.
Does it bring us more sexuality to buy and then drink that brand of water? Not sure. There is nothing wrong with individual choice, of course. My point is to stop and understand what we are doing and what they are doing before we make a choice. And, we have the opportunity to just develop conscious awareness more and more by waking up to the processes and forces in this world. It is a moment by moment practice. We do this if want to be ultimately free from the bonds of the limited and narrow mind.
So realize that it is all illusion. Remember, it is only bottled water. "Water in a bottle for a price" with a market campaign that has been sexualized.
And realize that such campaigns would not exist if they did not work. Why would they use them if it did not help sales?
When we wake up then such sale campaigns have no meaning and will fall away in the 21st Century because they no longer affect the public and so it does not work to sell products and amass dollars. We graduate from these kinds of influences because our mind is more evolved to realize what the ad and its company is trying to do. Our Light inside does not allow such illusions to penetrate our thinking and affect us in any deep way.
Like this, there are countless illusions in this world. It is like a hall of mirrors--reflecting to us where we need to wake up change and evolve.
We take it at our own pace. However, can we just kindle a little more wisdom each day to see what is going on in the world that affects our minds? The more Light of wisdom we generate the less all this illusion can create ups and downs and highs and lows. We become beacons and pin points of Light---to shine upon the illusion that is always being created around us in this world to the best of our ability.
Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas
The other day I was in a health food store and there is a new brand of bottled water with a prominent display. The ad campaign shows a fabulously beautiful, very sensual and sexualized image of a model drinking the water as she was suggestively displaying her attributes--if you know what I mean.
I wondered to myself: Can we all just wake up? How long will these kinds of ad campaigns and other influences on our minds keep affecting us?
This old paradigm of sex selling everything including bottled water needs to replaced by broader and expanded thinking, in my opinion.
What does this ad do to our subconscious mind? It keeps our thinking at a base level if we allow it to. For some, it makes us doubt our own Self-worth because our ego compares itself to what the model looks like. Then it sends the message that if we drink the water we will somehow be sexier and more beautiful and youthful. We then fight with ourselves and berate ourselves (if that is a sensitive issue)--particularly if there are parts of our Self and parts of our body that we do not like or we are very sensitive to. All these mental and emotional processes happen in a fraction of a second as we are triggered by the ad.
Or, we do not have these issues but we just play along with the illusion and still buy the water because our desire for such beauty and sexuality is stirred up. We associate the desire with the water with the desire for greater sexuality, sensuality and beauty and this increases sales.
Then, we think that if we buy the water, somehow we will fit the image and lifestyle of the illusion of what the model in the picture lives. Meanwhile who knows what the model in real life is really going through. They may be almost homeless making ends meet, hardly the lifestyle they are marketing in the ad---do we really know? So we play into fear, insecurity, worthlessness and so on--the very thing the ad campaign wants us to do (by putting such images in its campaigns) to buy more water to increase their profits.
Does it bring us more sexuality to buy and then drink that brand of water? Not sure. There is nothing wrong with individual choice, of course. My point is to stop and understand what we are doing and what they are doing before we make a choice. And, we have the opportunity to just develop conscious awareness more and more by waking up to the processes and forces in this world. It is a moment by moment practice. We do this if want to be ultimately free from the bonds of the limited and narrow mind.
So realize that it is all illusion. Remember, it is only bottled water. "Water in a bottle for a price" with a market campaign that has been sexualized.
And realize that such campaigns would not exist if they did not work. Why would they use them if it did not help sales?
When we wake up then such sale campaigns have no meaning and will fall away in the 21st Century because they no longer affect the public and so it does not work to sell products and amass dollars. We graduate from these kinds of influences because our mind is more evolved to realize what the ad and its company is trying to do. Our Light inside does not allow such illusions to penetrate our thinking and affect us in any deep way.
Like this, there are countless illusions in this world. It is like a hall of mirrors--reflecting to us where we need to wake up change and evolve.
We take it at our own pace. However, can we just kindle a little more wisdom each day to see what is going on in the world that affects our minds? The more Light of wisdom we generate the less all this illusion can create ups and downs and highs and lows. We become beacons and pin points of Light---to shine upon the illusion that is always being created around us in this world to the best of our ability.
Dr. Rama
Dallas Texas
Monday, January 3, 2011
2011-2012 Are Extraordinary Transforming Times: Check out Braco The Remarkable Healer Dr. Rama
Braco (said as "brazzo") is a remarkable healer from Serbo --Croatia.---He has a remarkable story and biography on You tube and his Website
He heals by his gaze. In the East this is known as Drig Drishti---where extraordinary healing power is transmitted through the whole being to others but especially through the eyes. This is Braco's gift to global humanity.
Hundreds of thousands see him in Europe and he has been coming more now to the United States.
Review if inspiring you tubes by typing in Braco----his website mentioned above.
dr. Rama
dallas Texas
and scroll below for Mirabai Devi's new website
He heals by his gaze. In the East this is known as Drig Drishti---where extraordinary healing power is transmitted through the whole being to others but especially through the eyes. This is Braco's gift to global humanity.
Hundreds of thousands see him in Europe and he has been coming more now to the United States.
Review if inspiring you tubes by typing in Braco----his website mentioned above.
dr. Rama
dallas Texas
and scroll below for Mirabai Devi's new website
Sunday, January 2, 2011
2011-12 Are Times of Extraordinary Potential Transformation--Check Out Those Making a Difference In the World- DR. Rama
Please click on Mirabai Devi's new website and two must see You tube interviews that are directly on her website. Thanks
2011-12 are times of enormous change on the planet and within ourselves. We have the choice to get in touch with our destiny to help ourselves and this planet, to connect with those who truly love and support us (and we them), and/or remain stuck and even go backwards, knowing full well that we are not reaching our potential. We can choose whether to remain indifferent to our inner heart and love, and we can choose to harm or help those in need including the less fortunate (the ill, elderly, others, children, the environment).
It is all up to us.
I add on periodically on my blogposts those who are extraordinarily elevated and helping mankind in marvelous ways. Mirabai's ways are only one way, there are many, many, many doing wonderful things in the world and in all traditions and paths and those who go beyond tradition and path.
Check out Mirabai Devi's new website and also her original Mirabai devi "Darshan introduction video"--- on you tube as well. Wonderful colors, inspiration, photos and services......
Dr. Rama
2011-12 are times of enormous change on the planet and within ourselves. We have the choice to get in touch with our destiny to help ourselves and this planet, to connect with those who truly love and support us (and we them), and/or remain stuck and even go backwards, knowing full well that we are not reaching our potential. We can choose whether to remain indifferent to our inner heart and love, and we can choose to harm or help those in need including the less fortunate (the ill, elderly, others, children, the environment).
It is all up to us.
I add on periodically on my blogposts those who are extraordinarily elevated and helping mankind in marvelous ways. Mirabai's ways are only one way, there are many, many, many doing wonderful things in the world and in all traditions and paths and those who go beyond tradition and path.
Check out Mirabai Devi's new website and also her original Mirabai devi "Darshan introduction video"--- on you tube as well. Wonderful colors, inspiration, photos and services......
Dr. Rama
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