Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Metal Taste In Canned Foods!---A Red Flag?---

Canned foods have been in the US markets over many years.  Go to any grocery store and there are shelves and shelves of canned food.  An entire population lives on  canned foods.

Yet, when we stop and think and just use common sense, why do we still have canned foods in the 21st century?

Cans contain heavy metals.  Many are simply thrown away and become trash.  Some are recycled but many are not.  In my opinion, we have enough metal to recycle than the need to mine more ore and thus extract more of Nature's resources.

Aside from this, just think about the food that is sitting in can for weeks and months on end!  According to Ayurveda Medicine----food that sits becomes tamasic which means inert, dull, and lack of vitality and loses its vital energy.  According to Ayurveda, food just not only carries physical nutrients and so on, but each food has an energy that is transferred to the body and mind and this in turn affects our health.

Just compare fresh food and frozen food/vegetables to the way canned vegetables look and taste.  Our common sense knows the difference.

And yet, because of economy, many with shoe string budgets have to depend on these kinds of food, unfortunately. And remember millions of children that are eating canned foods for their school lunches that are cooked for them on a daily basis in schools across the country, as well at home.

And the biggest thing is----that metallic taste that one tastes really is disturbing, at least to me.

Open a can of Spagettios@, or soup or vegetables.  They have a terrible metallic taste!  And in naturopathic medical theories, these trace metals that leak into the food, accumulate in our body along with many other environmental toxins that may produce many unexplained syndromes in those who are genetically vulnerable or susceptible for many other reasons.

There is much controversy in this area and it will be debated for a long time.  However, just through one's intuition and common sense---does it not raise red flags?

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