It is hard to maintain positive thinking and positive energy when we are inundated by negative media and shows on a daily basis.
Think about it folks it is like we are living in a modern primitive society.
Almost every city wakes up to the same media style where fires, murders, robberies, disasters, car accidents, rapes, and so on are at the top of the news. We wake up to this and are then flooded all day by cable shows and so on that reflect negativity.
Have you also noticed how much is dominated by frivolous news about those beings in the entertainment and sports world ---constantly through reality shows and so on? In a way such items mask what is really happening in the world...and keeps us from remembering positive everyday stories that can touch our minds and hearts in profound ways.
It is not to say that we should not hear about these events and issues or that we should not empathize with those who are victims.
But must this be the focus of the day where every angle of misery, gossip and so on that is sent through the media to the entire globe?
What are the titles of some prime time shows? "Deception, Scandal" etc. all negative states of lower consciousness, lower Self energies that keep us hypnotized and chloroformed into dark thinking and lifestyles.
How many movies and TV shows are filled with unbelievable violence and we are flooding our minds and hearts with these images and impressions? Where can an enlightenment dawn inside us with these kinds of energies constantly reaching our brain?
We need to lead with positive news and shows about what is happening in the world in inspiring, uplifting, educational and positive direction that stress inspiration, creativity, and above all hope, trust, and security, not energy based in fear....I feel first. This should be the dominant force in today's media and shows. We need to hear triumphs and not mainly tragedies.
As a planet we cannot evolve unless we take a higher consciousness and practice its presence within our being.
And it begins by what we let into our minds and hearts on a daily basis.
We can choose to watch or not watch but we can also voice our view on what media emphasizes and what is coming through our airwaves as well.
Dr. R
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