Ever notice when movies are reviewed and are starred (one two, three four and five) by the critics there is a description of the content of the movie?
If you step back and just read the words---it is quite an array of descriptions: "graphic violence, nudity, profane language, adult themes, difficult to watch scenes, sexually disturbing content, and so on",...the list goes on and on....
Have we wondered if such bombarding of our mind and senses by these images and themes ever really affects us?
In my opinion, how could it not when we see the state of the world?
Entertainment is the playing ground of these themes---not so much nudity and sex but are we numb to the unbelievable amount of violence that is on TV and in the Movies?
Our world is already suffering. Do we need this degree of intensity in entertainment? That is an individual choice, of course. Entertainment is often filled with such negativity that our auric field is filled with this influencey, much like a tape recorder. Our mind absorbs everything---and there is an affect upon our heart and soul--knowingly and unknowingly.
The entertainment industry is well versed on what sells: mainly the focus of themes of base, low energy dulling of consciousness themes: particularly violence. And the question is are we so dense that we numb out and desensitize to what is on the screen?
These base energies are part of the first three chakras within the body: mainly the issues of fear, horror, greed, negative lust, survival, revenge, competition, struggle, violence/anger/rage killing consciousness, low, base humor, and other lower Self energies. There is always positive energy and negative energy in each chakra and our life and outlook reflects what is stored up in these energy centers: whatever is within is going to come out to the world in the form of our thoughts, behaviors and actions.
We already have embedded so much negativity within our systems from this life and many other lives and knowingly and unknowingly as we are absorbing this negativity through films and such.
So as we choose our entertainment time--maybe we can reflect a little: do we want expansion or contraction of our consciousness? It is always up to us. What we choose affects humanity as a whole.
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