Throughout my life, and at various degrees, I, like other sensitive people, have felt the collective fear, pain and suffering on the planet felts humans, as well as animals and nature.
All the people, animals, all the plants, all the trees. There’s so much pain, so much suffering, so much violence. I feel it all. I hear it all. Every minute of every day. It never stops. I can’t stand it. And it’s getting louder all the time as the elite use all their tools to increase it.
The blind unawareness of the men in the slaughterhouses, the chemical farmers, the factory fishermen, the destroyers of the rain-forests, the creators of wars. Those men and women who torture and kill millions of people, animals and trees every day. Those that think animals and trees don’t feel pain, fear, and terror, or relish the thought of inflicting these to others. Those who send psychic and physical attacks onto others.
Years ago, I had a German Shepherd, which had caught its paw in a metal gate. The dog was beside itself with anger and pain. Its head whipped backwards and forwards, snapping at anyone who tried to get near as it struggled to free itself.
I walked up to it and held him firmly, but to get to his paw I had to put my arm between his jaws and the gate. In his pain he sank his teeth into my left arm – which I permitted him to do while I pulled the paw free (more pain for him). Then after the paw was free, I held the dog’s jaws tight, as he continued trying to bite. I held him against the ground firmly but gently. He calmed down and I was able to release it, knowing it would no longer bite those around him. The wound in my arm healed without scars.
The moral of the story? Humans, too, lash out in anger and violence, because they are in great pain and fear. I’d like to hold them all in my arms. All of them. I’d like to show them that they are loved, and that they are safe. All the murderers, all the rapists, all the butchers of the seals, whales and dolphins, all the bloodthirsty workers in the abattoirs, the creators of wars, all they beings involved in psychic attacks. And all those individuals who, in their pain and fear, lash out at me personally, on the internet with hate and anger, poisonous words and death threats.
How to maximize the effect? How to reach those unreachable people? How to halt the pain and damage as soon as possible? How to educate the uneducable? How to release THEIR paw from the metal gate? Lovingly stop THEM from biting, and removing all gates where their paws might get caught?
It is not about who’s to blame. The solution has to be inclusive. Yes, we take responsibility in minimizing the pain and suffering of others through our actions. We can go out of our way to eat meat from small farms, organic producers who love their animals. Yes, we can buy furniture from renewable sources of wood, clothes from factories which don’t exploit people. But what of the perpetrators of fear and pain? We might hold them in our field of light, and allow Gaia to do her work. As a ‘singularity’ – I am but one person. But WE are many.
If we dedicate 10 minutes a day to holding these people in our collective light, it can make a huge shift for them and us. After the 10 minutes, let us focus on the compassion and love of the millions of lightworkers and lightwarriors around the planet, our brethren, so that our collective power increases -- making each one of us more able to accomplish our collective work.
I also feel the love, light and compassion of billions of people around the world. All those parents who hold their new born baby in wonderment and deep love, all those who behold our Mother Earth in awe as they sense Her power and compassion. I also feel millions of lightwokers and lighwarriors diligently doing daily acts of selfless love and compassion to bring light to others and the planet. For every murderer there are 10 healers, for every abuser of animals, there are a thousand who hold animals in respect and equality. For every creator of war, there are millions of us who do not agree with that particular game.
If I didn't feel the LIGHT I would not be alive today. Mother Earth made the call for assistance, and we, all of us, are the answer to that call.